Saturday, March 26, 2011


It took me forever to be convinced to write my first blog back in December of 2010, and almost as long again for my sophomore follow up. If I am honest, I feel weird about writing blogs. I have always felt lucky to have the experiences that traveling and photography have brought me, but never really felt comfortable sharing those experiences with the world.
I now look back and think, "Why not?" Why not share stories with a broader audience? If I can convince one more person to look around the corner, to exit their 'bubble,' is it not worth it? So that is what I am going to do here. My head is normally in the clouds and I don't set aside a lot of time for writing things like this, but my promise to you is to update with random pictures as often as possible with a little blurb about what/when/why/where the photo was taken.
Enjoy if you have time. Constructive criticism or just flat out criticism is always welcome!

In order to move forward into this new endeavor, I have decided to show a you photo of my 'home' for 3 months of the year. Introducing the FV Coventina, a commercial fishing vessel based out of Valdez, Alaska. I first started working on this boat in the summer of 2007 and have had the privilege to enjoy every summer since working, eating, and sleeping on it.

Working on this boat has provided me a life-style that I am whole-heartedly passionate about. I work hard for those summer months; putting in long hours, enduring stormy weather, and eating lot's of fish with rice or potatoes, so that the remainder of the year can be spent exploring this incredible earth. In the forth-coming blogs I hope to share photos of these off season adventures.


  1. I'm stoked!!

    I can't wait to hear more about your travels and see more of your art. This was a great idea!

    Love M

  2. You suck. I have never before simultaneoulsy slept and read at the same time I'm not even sure if its biologically possible........

    Of course I'm kidding, this is great bro keep it coming. I hope you manage to blog whilst out in Alaska.

    Big ups
